Self-Care Seminar

Self-Care for the Massage Therapist – The Live Pain Free Process

The live pain-free process is a 5 steps system designed to help you to optimize your athletic performance while giving you an easier pain-free life physically, mentally, emotionally.

In this interactive and challenging course our instructor will give you a step-by-step guide and plan to eliminate physical pain, enhance your mental state and balance your emotional being so the body can begin to heal rapidly and consistently.

It will be a staple in making any situation easier to handle and clear up because it gives you a stronger pain free mindset built on a better foundation of stronger beliefs about healing and living a pain free life.

The 5 steps to give you an easier pain free life:
1. Exploring positive feelings
2. Discovering inward sight
3. Being truly proactive
4. Practicing clean movements
5. Empowerment

This program will get you to think and be your own healthcare advocate. It will show unmask hidden drivers with in your life that holds you back in every situation, while giving you the life experience to embrace and develop a stronger self-image. This is what true medicine is; healing from within. Empowering you to simplify and take control of your life to make it better. Giving you more energy and more vitality.

This Self-Care class is presented as 14 or 16 continuing education hours.